The PCS100 SFC allows connection of 60 Hz powered
– Aequipment to a 50 Hz supply network and 50 Hz powered equipment to
a 60 Hz supply network. Additionally the PCS100 SFC can convert
the supply voltage to a different voltage to match the requirement of the load.
Typical applications
– 50 to 60 Hz or 60 to 50 Hz industrial applications
– Dockside converter allows generators to be turned off while at port to save fuel
and eliminate pollution
– Replacement of motor generator sets
– As a clean power supply to isolate an unstable grid from a critical load

Plant relocation
PCS100 SFCs can be tailored not only for port and marine solutions, but can also be designed to suppot major transportation projects. For example a PCS100 SFC supported a textile company’s relocation from Italy to Mexico.

Onboard vessels
Two SFCs conditioning power from the onboard shaft generator to allow 35-65 Hz operation.

Industrial applications – FPSO
Floating platform storage and offloading (FPSO) operations are typical for the oil and gas industry. ABB have delivered systems worldwide such as, Armada D1 (previously known as the Monte Umbe vessel), and NKOSSA II off the coast of the Congo, containing a 3300 kVA PCS100 SFC.

Shore-to-ship (ports and shipyards)
Being the Official Supplier to Emirates Team New Zealand (ETNZ) 2013, ABB supplied a PCS100 SFC during the Louis Vuitton Cup and the America’s Cup. ABB have supplied many PCS100 SFCs for shore-to-ship (S2S) applications, mostly in the range of 800–2000 kVA, however have supplied up to 8 MVA. Multiple units are often installed allowing them to be paralleled or used individually.